Fare system - Arriva Italia - Brescia - Staging
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Fare System

Fare system for suburban transport services in the Brescia area

The determination of transport rates for interurban scheduled services belonging to the network managed by the consortia Trasporti Brescia Nord e Trasporti Brescia Sud, derives from the application of: “INTEGRATED ZONE FARE SYSTEM”.

This system has been introduced by the Province of Brescia since 1991, complying with the tariff provisions introduced by the Regional Law n. 44/1989. With the zone system it has been possible to achieve a general integration of the transport network through the subdivision of the territory into homogeneous areas and each area into zones, each of which is generally of a size equal to the territorial extension of one or two municipalities, with their fractions.

How it works

The system works according to a very simple principle because “the rates are calculated according to the
number of areas crossed starting from the area where the departure location is located”.
Therefore, following the route of the line, for the movements that take place within a single zone, the first class of fare “A” applies and for every further passage of the zone, including that of departure, corresponds to a tariff rate.

Zone fare system and extraurban TPL services

The fare system applied for interurban services exercised in the Province of Brescia is the “Zone” rate model.

The operating mechanism of the system can be summarized as follows:

  • for journeys on lines within a single zone, the first fare A shall apply, following the route of the line;
  • For each further passage of the zone, including the departure zone, there is a charge, even if you change bus and line, provided that they coincide;
  • Since all the stops and hamlets of the same center belong to the same area, there are no tariff changes for those who continue the route within the area, this is the case, for example, for those who have reached Brescia Station continues to Brescia Hospital or S. Eufemia;
  • An exception to the system is the “semi-zones”, so for other locations, the particular A1 tariff applies; for all other destinations they retain the tariff to which they belong. Movements between the semi-zone and the zone to which they belong are considered internal to it and therefore require tariff A.

Examples of calculation:
Brescia – Rezzato = Rate B integrated
Rezzato – Treponti = Rate A
Bedizzole – Brescia = Rate D integrated

Zone fare system: special cases
  1. Locations on the border of two zones: If the chosen route originates or ends in a location of this type, no additional charge applies. (Calculation examples: Calvagese – Mocasina = rate A; Calvagese – Muscoline = rate A; Muscoline – Mocasina = rate B)
  2. Line on the border of two zones: If the chosen route follows a line of this type, no additional tariff charge applies. (Calculation examples: Ghedi – Malpaga = rate A; Ghedi – Ponterosso = rate A; Ghedi – Calvisano = rate B)
  3. Semi-zone: The transition from a zone to a semi-zone ( and vice versa) is calculated with the A1 rate and is represented with the blue background. (Calculation examples: Forno D’Ono – Vestone = rate A1)

Fare maps

Northern batch
South batch


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